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Insurance Verification Form

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  • FMLA refers to the Family and Medical Leave Act, which is a federal law that guarantees certain employees up to 12 workweeks of unpaid leave each year with no threat of job loss. FMLA also requires that employers covered by the law maintain the health benefits for eligible workers just as if they were working.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Get Help Now. Call Us 24/7

(770) 202-2212

Twin Lakes Recovery Center

398 Highway 11, SW
Monroe, GA 30655
Fax: 770-266-3731

We Accept All Major Insurance

Twin Lakes Recovery Center Accepts Aetna - Monroe Georgia drug addiction rehab and alcohol treatment center - outpatient servicesTwin Lakes Recovery Center accepts anthem blue cross insurance - substance abuse treatment in Georgia - Monroe Georgia drug addiction rehab and alcohol treatment centerTwin Lakes Recovery Center accepts Magellan Health Services insurance - partial hospitalization program - php and iop substance abuse treatment - Monroe Georgia drug addiction rehab and alcohol treatment centerAlliant Health Plans Insurance  style=Twin Lakes Recovery Center accepts MHN Health Net Company insurance - substance abuse treatment center - addiction rehab centerTwin Lakes Recovery Center accepts Value Options Insurance - substance abuse treatmentTwin Lakes Recovery Center accepts Optum Insurance - outpatient addiction and substance abuse treatmentUnited Healthcare Logo - UHC logo - Twin Lakes Recovery Center accepts United Healthcare Insurance - Monroe Georgia drug addiction rehab and alcohol treatment centerBlue Cross Blue Shield BCBS LogoHealth Partners logoHumana InsuranceHealth Partners logo