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Tiffany Douglass, MA

Chief Executive Officer

Equipped with more than 13 years’ expertise in leading high-quality client-centric programs in substance use disorder treatment facilities across four states, Tiffany has developed the valuable skillset needed to successfully lead the Twin Lakes team.

Tiffany earned her bachelor’s in psychology from Emory University in 2004 and her master’s in psychology (Organizational Behavior and Program Evaluation) from Claremont in 2006.  Tiffany led various types of substance use disorder treatment programs over the years, from a 200-bed nonprofit facility to a 6-bed, ultra-high-end program, and everything in between.

In Tiffany’s words: “I practice servant leadership and am dedicated to acting with integrity in all aspects of life. No task is too small or job too big- I never ask staff to do things that I am not prepared to do; I believe in leading by example”.

Additionally, Tiffany is a Subject Matter Expert for WikiHow, she’s a UN Global Goodwill Ambassador, and she was a Student Ambassador to China. Tiffany loves spending time with her 14-year-old dog Gracie (who thinks she’s a person), and her soulmate, and spouse of 12 years, Daniel. Tiffany loves fashion, traveling, reading, and researching (especially history). Her greatest talent is her arsenal of really useless knowledge.