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journaling Are you looking for a way to express your thoughts and improve your overall mental health while in treatment for a substance use disorder or during your recovery? Journaling is a simple way to recognize the struggles you are facing and bring awareness to your emotions. The best part of journaling is that you do not have to be a writer to put your deepest thoughts on paper – you just need to sit back and let your words flow. There is no judgment when journaling. You may be the only one who reads what you wrote.

Need ideas on where to start? There are endless journaling prompts to get you started. Just pick what interests you and write away. You may be surprised to see how far you have come in your recovery journey, and over time you can look back on your writing to see the progress you have made and remind yourself of your inner strength and determination.

Ten Journaling Prompts to Consider

Writing what you feel may be easier for some people than others. Sitting down and putting pen to paper can benefit your recovery by allowing you to acknowledge feelings that may have been suppressed for a long time. These bottled-up feelings can prevent you from moving forward in recovery.

What do you do if you are drawing a blank and don’t know what to write? Consider using a journaling prompt, like one of the ones below, to get you started. You may surprise yourself with what you write down.

  1. What brought you on this journey? Was there a specific incident or event that caused you to seek treatment? Write about what led you to your recovery journey.
  2. What would your life look like if you didn’t seek treatment? You can write about what could have happened if you continued with your substance use disorder. If you kept on the path you were on, write about what the negative consequences could have been. This can remind you of why treatment was important and how staying on your current journey is the best choice.
  3. What things make you happy? Writing about what brings you happiness and joy can lift your mood if you are feeling blue. You can focus on anything: your loved ones, a favorite pet, songs that you like to sing or dance to, a vacation spot, or a memory of when you felt truly happy.
  4. What do you need to work on? Is there something you are still struggling with that is preventing you from moving forward? Writing about this struggle can help you put it in the past so you can look towards the future.
  5. What are you grateful for? Sit down and make a list of everything that you are grateful for in your life. You can look back at this list to remind yourself of what you are thankful for and how important each is to you. Your list is unique to you and can consist of anything from family to friends to objects to experiences.
  6. What goal do you have from treatment? Is there something you hope to learn or understand that can help you move forward? You can write about what you hope to get from addiction treatment and how it can improve your life.
  7. Write a letter to your future self. While this might seem silly, it can be very beneficial. This letter can serve as a reminder of what you were facing during treatment and what hopes you have for your future.
  8. How do you practice self-care? Taking care of yourself is essential in recovery. Write about what routine you have to take care of yourself physically and emotionally. You can even include what you would like to include in your routine that can help improve your overall health and well-being.
  9. Find a quote that inspires you. You can find a quote online or maybe you have a passage from a book that inspired you. Write about what the quote means to you and how it relates to your journey.
  10. Did you have a bad day? You can write not only about positive things, but also about what you’re struggling with. If you have a bad day, write about why and what you can do to make it better.

Tips for Journaling

While you can journal just about anywhere you can sit down, consider several tips to improve the overall experience:

  • Keep consistent and set aside time each day to reflect on and write down your thoughts.
  • Find a quiet spot free from any distractions.
  • Purchase a journal you like and reserve a special pen for writing in it.
  • Don’t be afraid to read your past writings to remind yourself of your progress.

Do you or a loved one need help with a substance use disorder? At Twin Lakes Recovery Center, a leading Monroe, Georgia treatment center, we can help. Our programs and services are designed to assist those with substance use disorders, alcohol use disorders, and co-occurring disorders. We can provide medically supervised detox, inpatient residential treatment, intensive outpatient program, relapse prevention, and more. Find out more by contacting us online today.

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