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holiday, party, alcohol, soberWith the holiday season approaching, you may feel stressed about celebrating sober. You may be invited to parties or gatherings where alcohol will be flowing, and others will be drinking. In this week’s post, we offer some tips for enjoying the season without drinking alcohol or worrying about relapse.

Plan in Advance

One of the most important things you can do to prepare for a sober holiday is to plan in advance for any events you plan on attending. Before you commit to a party or event, make sure you know the details: where it is, who else is invited, what will be served, and how you will get to and from the event. If people who don’t care about your sobriety are attending the party or if it is at a location where you used to drink, you may want to avoid the function and plan on another option to celebrate the season. Plan on providing your own transportation so you can leave at your own convenience. The more you plan in advance, the better prepared you will be for any situation you may face and the easier it will be to maintain your sobriety.

Alcohol-Free Drink Options

If you plan to attend a party during the holiday, take your own alcohol-free drinks. That way, you can mingle with a drink in your hand without feeling pressured to drink alcohol. There are endless mocktail options to try during the holidays, or you may consider sipping sparkling water with fresh, festive fruit. If you have a drink in your hand, others will be less likely to ask why you are not drinking or give you drinks.

Have a Solid System of Support

You do not have to face the holidays alone when there are people who can support and encourage your recovery. If you plan on attending a holiday party where there will be drinking, bring a sober friend with you for support. Staying sober is easier when you’re with someone who understands and is also sober. If you are uncomfortable, call your sponsor or a trusted friend who can talk to you and keep you focused on your journey.

Try Out Something New

Instead of attending your usual function this holiday season, try out something new. Host a sober dinner party, go ice-skating, drive around and look at local light or tree displays, or carol around your community. Many activities do not have to involve alcohol and are fun ways to enjoy all the holiday season offers.

Remember Your Reason Why

If you are struggling, remember why you quit drinking and became sober. You can keep focused on your recovery by reminding yourself of how far you have come and how much better your life is without drinking. You might want to write down these reminders and carry them with you as a form of protection and comfort.

It is Fine to Say No

If the pressure to attend a party or event is too much to handle, know that it is fine to decline the invitation. You do not have to put yourself in any position where you may be tempted to drink. Tell the host that you are unable to attend. If you find yourself at a holiday party where you are pressured to drink, you can say no and leave the gathering. Never feel that you need to be in a situation that can jeopardize your sobriety.

Attend Meetings

Surrounding yourself with others who understand the struggles of staying sober during the holiday season can be an essential part of your recovery. Attending a 12-step meeting can give insight into how others deal with the holidays.

Are You Struggling Over the Holidays?

If you or a loved one is struggling with a substance use disorder, the caring staff at Twin Lakes Recovery Center is here to help. We are a leading Monroe, Georgia, treatment center and offer a variety of treatments and programs. To find out more about our services, fill out our contact form online today.

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